Friday, June 8, 2012

some cheering up favourites from jane in a rather WET co.mayo (ssssshhhhccchhh this rain !!)

always lovely work from artist cornelia o'donovan,take a look at her blog , she is quite open about how she works and is just so JOYFUL .

A sweet new blog for analog drawings , ie made with just old school pens paint etc , no tablets (maybe ones you eat are okay.....) .
She (angela dalinger) takes submissions too for her analog drawings blog.

Look at her new book , I bought it , its beautifully made (by hand !)

I want to shout out to all in tinderbox to make your next post an image of your own work .......I know that I have just posted other artists work today and I hope you enjoy them , but I would love to see some TINDERBOX beauties , drawings , papercuts (damo) , cartoons, dolls,maybe a macrame plant holder ......
I,,ll show you mine , if you ........
jane x